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Common Symptoms of Haemorrhoids

Writer's picture: Mr Mo SaeedMr Mo Saeed

Haemorrhoids are a common condition affecting numerous people around the world every year. Also known as ‘piles’, haemorrhoids are thought to impact the lives of over half adults with those aged between 45 and 65 most often affected by the condition.

Haemorrhoids can be exacerbated by external factors such as obesity, pregnancy and sexual activity, and they can form both internally and externally to the anal area.

Most patients can’t see or feel internal haemorrhoids, but straining during bowel movements and constipation can cause these haemorrhoids to bleed and occasionally push through the anal opening. Anal bleeding can be quite alarming for anyone, and unfortunately, haemorrhoids aren’t the only condition that cause it.

Haemorrhoids can cause significant and uncomfortable itchiness, pressure on the anus, and various degrees of pain, in addition to bleeding. It’s common for patients to feel a lump in the anal region, which can also be alarming.

How might a doctor check for haemorrhoids?

If you experience some of the aforementioned symptoms and fear you may have haemorrhoids, you should visit your family GP as soon as possible for a thorough diagnosis. During the examination, your doctor will need to inspect your anus for a number of potential haemorrhoid red flags, including:

  • Lumps and/or swelling

  • Stool or mucus leakage

  • Anal fissures (small itchy tear in the anus)

  • Skin tags (excess skin left behind after an external haemorrhoid blood clot dissolves)

  • Irritated skin

  • Prolapsed internal haemorrhoids that are visible through the anus

  • External haemorrhoids with a blood clot on the inside

In addition, your doctor may also carry out a digital rectal examination in order to determine the tone of the muscles in the anus, and/or check for any tenderness or lumps/masses in the rectal tissue.

If any examination on the day proves inconclusive, your doctor may refer you for a more extensive diagnosis procedure.

Which other conditions can cause haemorrhoid symptoms?

If you’ve tried a number of home remedies or over-the-counter medication and your haemorrhoids continue to cause issues, it maybe time to seek medical help. Visit your family GP if you experience any of the following haemorrhoid-related symptoms:

  • Itchiness, pain, pressure or burning sensations that fail to respond to home treatments

  • Rectal bleeding (especially if it’s heavy or doesn’t respond to home treatments)

  • Additional symptoms like weight loss, fever, abdominal pain or a change in bowel movements

Whilst haemorrhoids are common, haemorrhoids symptoms that do not clear up quickly with home care or that keep coming back do need to be evaluated.

Find out more

To find out more about The Rafaelo® Procedure, please contact the Manchester Haemorrhoid Centre on 0161 495 7046.

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